This September, to celebrate Self-Improvement Month, we wanted to share some tips for proactively managing your hearing health which can serve as a catalyst for other improvements in all areas of your life.

Improved health

According to research published in the April 2016 issue of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, less than three percent of Americans meet the basic qualifications of a healthy lifestyle. The researchers based their findings on four criteria:

1) Moderate or vigorous exercise for at least 150 minutes a week

2) A diet score in the top 40 percent of the Healthy Eating Index,

3) Body fat percentage under 20 percent (men) or 30 percent (women)

4) Not smoking

How is this related to your hearing health?  All of these factors – exercise, weight/body fat, not smoking – are good for your hearing health, too. The sensitive hair cells of the inner ear depend on good circulation to do their job, which is to translate the noise your ears collect into electrical impulses for the brain to interpret as recognizable sound. Maintaining a sensible weight and exercising regularly is good for circulation. Nicotine and carbon monoxide deplete oxygen levels and constrict blood vessels all over your body, including those responsible for the health of your ear’s hair cells.

Related imageYour hearing health can affect your brain health and emotional well being, too. While the Deaf community has a vibrant language involving hand gestures and facial expressions, those who were born hearing and experience hearing loss struggle with communication. Studies indicate managing that loss reduces the risk of developing dementia as well as depression, anxiety and social isolation.

  • A new report by the Lancet Commissions on Dementia Prevention lists hearing loss as one of nine risk factors for dementia. The report, presented at the 2017 Alzheimer’s Association International Convention, suggests as much as one third of all dementia may be delayed or prevented by eliminating the risk factors.
  • Research by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communications Disorders (NICDC) indicates hearing loss can take its toll on your emotional well being, too. The main findings of a 2014 study found depression was 11 percent higher in those with hearing loss, compared to 5 percent for those with normal hearing.

Improved relationships

Image result for improved relationshipsTurns out, you aren’t the only one affected by your hearing loss. When you aren’t hearing your best, relationships suffer. It’s frustrating for your partner to continually repeat what they are saying. Turning up the volume on the television is uncomfortable for other family members. And, when you don’t correctly hear a directive at work or school, you jeopardize your financial and educational future.

Participants in a survey by Cochlear Americas and published in the ASHA Leader admit relationships with a romantic partner suffered the most as a result of their hearing loss, followed by relationships with family, friends and coworkers.

In another study conducted by Action on Hearing Loss, both those with hearing loss and their partners said untreated hearing loss caused frustration and loneliness. Most couples said they have curtailed their social activities. The hearing partner worried about safety, fearing their partner won’t hear the fire alarm or traffic in an emergency situation.

Improved finances

Managing your hearing health can even help your pocketbook. In a comprehensive survey conducted by the Better Hearing Institute, the estimated cost in lost earnings due to hearing loss is $122 billion, which translates to an estimated cost to society of $18 billion in unrealized federal income taxes.

The good news is the study also found that those who treated their hearing loss with hearing aids or cochlear implants lost 50 percent less income than those who did not.

Let the Self Improvement begin!

More and more, medical professionals agree that caring for your sense of hearing can make you happier, healthier and wealthier! Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and have your hearing evaluated regularly by a hearing healthcare professional.


Source: Healthy Hearing