At Shohet Ear Associates, we pride ourselves on staying abreast of technological advancements taking place in the hearing aid market and sharing new developments that could help our patients hear better and enjoy life more fully.

Invisible hearing aid | PhonakRecently, Phonak announced the fourth generation of Phonak Lyric, the only 100% invisible hearing aid that can be worn 24/7 for months at a time.  The new Lyric4 features components that have been further improved to help guard against earwax and other debris, helping to increase reliability. In addition, the size of the Lyric has also been made slightly smaller for even more comfort in the ear.

Lyric4 new product benefits include:

  • Comfort: The reduction of the medial portion of the module by 0.3mm is designed to protect he delicate skin in the medial portion of the ear canal. Test subjects have rated the new Lyric4 as significantly more comfortable than the previous generation.(1)
  • Reliability: Lyric4 was designed to better withstand the challenging environment of the ear canal. With the new medial port receiver protection, debris is collected in the mini moat design to reduce the impact of cerumen and may prevent early clogging.
  • Fitting Rate: The fitting success rate for Lyric is already greater than 75%. Reducing the medial module should help improve this fitting rate even more, particularly for those with smaller ear canals.

Invisible hearing aids | PhonakResearch into consumer trends and product preference shows that hearing performance and wearing comfort are the top two considerations among consumers.  However, invisibility is also an important need that influences purchase intention. According to a 2017 survey, intent to purchase among non-hearing aid users increased from 69% to 74% when Lyric was added to the list of hearing aid options.

The Lyric4 is available in seven sizes, from XXS to XXL models to be able to comfortably fit as many ear canal sizes as possible.

According to feedback from Lyric wearers, what they love most about the hearing aid is:

● 100% Invisibility: Unlike traditional hearing aids, Lyric is placed deep in the ear canal making it completely invisible when worn. This helps allow wearers to “sleep, shower, exercise, and more without thinking about their hearing aids.” They can also more easily wear a mask to protect themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic without ear loop interference, Phonak says.

● Tinnitus Relief: An estimated 10-15% of the population has tinnitus. Lyric4 can help reduce tinnitus annoyance faster* and improves sleep quality.

● Clear, Natural Sound: While traditional hearing aids capture and process sound outside of the ear, Lyric4 uses the natural anatomy of the ear to amplify and provide a full, “almost natural” listening experience.

● No Daily Maintenance: Lyric4 requires no maintenance or batteries to charge or change.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about Lyric4, contact us today!  We have a team of Audiologists with extensive experience with the Lyric hearing aid ready to assist you.


Standaert L. Objective and subjective comparison: Lyric4 to Lyric 3. Accessed October 2020.

Johnson J. Phonak Lyric clinical and medical review. Phonak website. Published June 2019. Accessed October 2020.

Leibundgut, M. (2020). Market Research ID# 1356.

Hoffman HJ, Reed GW. Epidemiology of tinnitus. In: Snow JB, ed. Tinnitus: Theory and Management. Lewiston, NY: BC Decker Inc; 2004:16-41.

Power D. Is Lyric an effective option for tinnitus? Investigating the benefits of a hearing aid that can be worn 24/7. Submitted for peer review publication. 2018.

* After 1 month Lyric showed significant improvement compared to daily wear hearing aids.

Source: Phonak