Helpful Tips

20 February, 2019

How heart health and hearing loss are connected

By |February 20th, 2019|

When you think of February, the first image that might come to mind is a heart. From heart-shaped boxes of chocolates to Valentine’s cards to stuffed bears clutching hearts, February is full of the traditional symbol of love. . But February is also about health and in this case, heart health. In honor of National [...]

24 January, 2019

Troubleshooting tips to fix common hearing aid issues

By |January 24th, 2019|

Hearing aids are the most common treatment for hearing loss. Millions of individuals wear these miniature, custom-fit, digitally programmed and personalized hearing solutions every day. If you rely on hearing aids to keep you hearing clearly at all times, you know how important it is to quickly identify and address any problems. Common hearing aid issues The four [...]

8 October, 2018

Hearing loss might cause you to miss out on more than you realize

By |October 8th, 2018|

When you think of hearing loss, understandably, things you could be hearing come to mind. There are tons of activities that depend on your ability to hear like listening to an audiobook, enjoying music, communicating with family, knowing when the oven buzzer goes off or being warned of danger. What you may not think about [...]

18 September, 2018

4 Common Diseases that can Increase Your Risk of Hearing Loss

By |September 18th, 2018|

Hearing loss can be genetic or caused by damage to the ear – but did you know that there are also some diseases that can cause hearing loss? When it comes to hearing loss, we tend to associate it with aging or something caused by genetic predisposition. But certain diseases can actually increase a person's [...]

23 August, 2018

New Research Suggests Nutrition May Play a Role in Hearing Loss

By |August 23rd, 2018|

Nutrition is fundamental to health and can have a significant impact on a person's hearing ability as well.  There is no specific food that will definitely cause or prevent hearing loss. Likewise, lost hearing cannot be restored through a diet change.  But new research suggests that certain nutrition patterns may actually decrease—or increase—your risk of developing [...]

31 July, 2018

Can Surgery Correct Hearing Loss?

By |July 31st, 2018|

Nearly 48 million Americans have some type of hearing loss that affects the communication, relationships, health and even the careers of those who have it. If you have hearing loss, you might wonder if there are surgeries that can restore your lost hearing. The short answer is: it depends. There are ear surgeries to restore hearing if [...]

22 July, 2018

Top 4 Exercises for Healthy Hearing

By |July 22nd, 2018|

Exercise is an excellent way to stay healthy, build stamina, endurance and lose weight but did you know that it can also be beneficial to your hearing?  You may wonder how much exercise is necessary to improve your hearing and ear function and what types of exercise is most beneficial?  Well are here are four [...]

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