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Updated: 4/26/2022

We are currently seeing patients in all of our offices utilizing a COVID safety protocol to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff.

We ask that patients who have recently experienced a Covid infection wait until they are well to come in for their appointments.

Patient Instructions for Office Appointments

  • All patients will be asked to bring and wear a mask the entire time they are in the office. Cloth or other home-made masks are acceptable. We have a very limited supply and cannot provide masks. Any patient who arrives without a mask will be asked to return for a later appointment when they have obtained a mask.
  • If you are a new patient, we suggest that you complete your intake paperwork ahead of time and bring it with you to your appointment. Click here to access the New Patient Forms.  You can also download the forms and fill them in online and email them to us in advance of your appointment (email address:  If you are not able to complete the forms in advance, we ask that you plan to arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment to fill out all necessary forms.
  • We kindly ask that patients refrain from bringing family and friends to their appointments whenever possible. Our goal is to minimize the amount of bodies in the office in order to lower the risk of virus transmission. 
  • We ask that if you need to leave a child in your car during your visit, please make sure that they are accompanied by an adult.
  • Our physicians and staff will wear masks during all patient encounters.
  • We are performing diligent hand washing and extra cleaning precautions.
  • Telemedicine appointments will still be available for higher risk patients and for routine follow up issues (i.e. test results, etc.)

Please contact us if you have any questions.  We will continue to monitor the COVID situation and listen to recommendations from public health officials.

We appreciate your cooperation and support and will keep you updated on any new safety protocols.